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Deluxe Escapes

Serengeti Wildlife Escape
12 Days, 11 Nights

Our Serengeti Wildlife Safari presents the opportunity to observe the best possible concentration of carnivore along northern Tanzania’s riverbeds and swamps while enjoying deluxe accommodations throughout the most popular national parks and destinations.

Safari Highlights

See masses of pink flamingos in Arusha National Park

Highest concentration of elephants in Tarangire National Park

Enormous troops of baboons and tree-climbing lions in Lake Manyara National Park

One of the highest concentrations of wildlife including the rare black rhino in Ngorongoro Crater

Witness the “Cradle of Mankind,” Olduvai Gorge

Discover local culture including Maasai Village, the “Hunter Gatherers” Hadzabe people, the Datoga people, and a local farmers market

Enjoy 3-overnights and 2.5-days in the vast Serengeti Plains

Capture the best concentration of lions in Central Serengeti

Contact Shirin to Plan Your Adventure Now!

Ndutu Wildebeest Migration Escape
9 Days, 8 Nights

While enjoying deluxe accommodations, our Deluxe Ndutu Wildebeest Migration Safari lends the opportunity to witness the massive herds of wildebeest migration in the Southeast Plains of Serengeti, as well as discover the abundant wildlife in the northern parks of Tanzania.

Safari Highlights

Witness the Great Wildebeest Migration in the Ndutu Plains

See tons of pink flamingos in Arusha National Park

Observe a groundwater forest which is home to enormous troops of baboons and tree-climbing lions at Lake Manyara National Park

Discover local culture and participate on a village walk, school visit and farmers market

Capture the abundance and diversity of wildlife including the rare black rhino in the Ngorongoro Crater

Behold the “Cradle of Mankind,” Olduvai Gorge

Enjoy 3-overnights and 2.5-days of game drive in the expanse of Serengeti

Contact Shirin to Plan Your Adventure Now!

Mara River Escape
11 Days, 10 Nights

Our Deluxe Mara River Wildebeest Migration Safari lets you witness immense herds of wildebeest migration in the northern tip of Serengeti and along the Mara River. Should the timing be just right, you’ll see wildebeest crossing the Mara River. Amidst the journey, enjoy deluxe accommodations while visiting Tanzania’s most popular national parks and destinations.

Safari Highlights

Behold the highest concentration of elephant at Tarangire National Park

Discover the Great Wildebeest Migration in Northern Serengeti

Explore nature on foot adjacent Lake Manyara

Capture the abundance and diversity of wildlife including the rare black rhino in the Ngorongoro Crater

Discover historical local culture and great hospitality at Maasai Village

Enjoy 4-overnights and 3.5-days of game drive in the vast Serengeti Plains

Witness the “Cradle of Mankind,” Olduvai Gorge

Contact Shirin to Plan Your Adventure Now!

10 Days, 9 Nights

Our Deluxe Kirawira Wildebeest Migration Safari invites the opportunity to discover the abundant wildlife in the northern parks of Tanzania and to witness the Great Wildebeest Migration in the Central and Western Serengeti, all while enjoying deluxe accommodations.

Safari Highlights

Witness the Great Wildebeest Migration around Central and Western Serengeti

See an impressive bird’s diversity at Tarangire National Park

Explore nature on foot adjacent Lake Manyara National Park

Discover a ground water forest which is home to enormous troops of baboons and tree-climbing lions in Lake Manyara National Park

Capture tremendous flocks of pink flamingos in Lake Manyara

Enjoy 4-overnights and 3.5-days of game drive in the vast Serengeti Plains

Behold giant Crocodiles and enormous schools of hippos in River Grumeti

Contact Shirin to Plan Your Adventure Now!

Nyumbu Escape
7 Days, 6 Nights

Our Deluxe One-Week Nyumbu Safari offers accommodations at deluxe lodges and tented camps and presents the occasion to learn and discover the likes of Tanzania’s most popular destinations and sightings, such as the Plains of Ndutu, Central Serengeti, and the lush wildlife of Ngorongoro Crater.

Safari Highlights

An incredible opportunity to witness the Wildebeest Migration

See a great divergence of carnivores in Ndutu Area of Southeast Serengeti

Behold enormous schools of hippos (and perhaps a leopard) in Central Serengeti

Capture the abundance and diversity of wildlife including the rare black rhino in the Ngorongoro Crater

Discover historical local culture with a stop at Maasai Village

Revel in 3-overnights and 2.5-days of game drive in the Serengeti Plains

Enjoy a week full of breathtaking sightings in Tanzania’s most popular destinations

Contact Shirin to Plan Your Adventure Now!